Lambda Nu's annual Unity celebration was held this past Saturday, April 25, 2010 at Famoso restaurant in Friendship Heights. Unity is held every Spring semester, and is AKPsi's version of a formal, similar to events of other organizations on campus. Unity is the big celebration of all the accomplishments made throughout the semester from the newly initiated brothers, and the ones over the past years from our graduating seniors.

The night started at 6:30 with brothers and guests arriving at Famoso to be greeted with hors d'oeuvres and great company. Meeting up with friends and mingling with new ones, people were able to take pictures and enjoy the food while the rest of the chapter arrived.
During a brief ceremony, members of the Spring 2010 executive board passed down their reigns to the upcoming Fall 2010 board for next semester. We were able to thank every e-board member for all of their hard work and dedication throughout the semester, next Fall's board has a lot to live up to! Then AKPsi's signature yellow rose was passed out to every graduating senior, recognizing their achievements over the years, and provided an end-of-the-semester send off.
After our delicious three-course meal, Famoso opened up a separate lounge and dance area for everyone to enjoy. Lambda Nu then presented its brother and pledge awards of the semester, and seniors were able to provide words of wisdom for the underclassmen. It is sad to see our huge number of 32 graduating seniors go, but we all wish them the best of luck in their future endeavors, and we hope to see them return to events as active alumni!

Melissa Smith, our Vice President of Membership, along with her Social Chair Jeff Mindell, and the rest of her membership committee worked tirelessly throughout the semester to make sure we had the best unity possible. Everyone had wonderful time and the night was more fun beyond my expectations. Thank you Mel, not only for your work for formal, but for all of your efforts as VP of Membership, you truly made this such a memorable semester!!!

Oh, and another big thanks to Jeff Mindell, Michael Rees, and Rebecca Oren, you took such beautiful pictures I had to borrow some of them !